frequently asked questions

what is EFT?

EFT stands for 'emotional freedom techniques' or 'emotionally focused therapy'.

it is a type of somatic therapy and stress management tool also known as 'tapping.’ it can also be described as 'psychological acupuncture.’

it includes elements of acupressure, like reflexology, and can include the use of eye movements and audio tones as with EMDR. it can share some technique similarities with other traditional therapies; for example, there is also a talking element as you would find in counselling.



" EFT is a technique that combines modern psychology with the traditions of acupuncture, using fingertip pressure on points on the face and body. "
- Paul Lynch: EFT Founding Master, Advanced Practitioner and Research Team volunteer

" EFT - an integrative individual therapy that focuses on emotion as the key determinant of personality development and of psychotherapeutic change. In sessions, the therapist helps the client to become aware of, accept, make sense of, and regulate emotions as a way of resolving problems and promoting growth. Techniques are drawn from client-centered therapy, gestalt therapy, and cognitive behaviour therapy. " 
- APA definition

what is EFT not?

it's not a spiritual practice or linked to a religion 

however - if you are a spiritual/religious person and you wish to align your practice to your beliefs - you absolutely can!

it's not a miracle cure for physical or mental illness, however, many who have experienced it have found their symptoms to reduce and for some, they do disappear

how does EFT work?

it activates the frontal lobe of the brain, just like traditional counselling, then, as we begin to tap on the points connected to our nervous system, this send signals to our brain to relax.

this is where tapping goes a step further than traditional talking therapies; as it also activates the amygdala, a part of the brain involved in the fight/ flight/ freeze/ fawn/ flop responses and the body’s reactions to stress and intense emotions.

by tuning in to our issue - be it physical or emotional - whilst tapping on the specific points, we can lower cortisol, actively calm our nervous systems; and therefore reduce the intensity and frequency of mental and physical illness symptoms.

what happens in an EFT session?

during an EFT session we will spend some time talking - just like counselling - and some time tapping on various acupressure points on the face and the upper body. 

you choose what we talk about and decide what to work on. I lead you through all of the points so you can follow along and learn to tap for yourself.

so as well as talking through whatever you need to, by tapping you can also regulate your nervous system, release stored stress from your body, even restructure (and often completely banish!) negative thoughts. 

sessions are always at your pace and it is up to you what we discuss and work on each time - I am guided by whatever your bring to the session. group sessions work in a similar way however all in attendance contribute something to work on.

what can EFT be used for?

EFT is a brilliant tool to be learned as a life skill to manage anxiety and stress, as well as a highly effective somatic therapy for the following:

  • trauma recovery
  • bereavement, grief and loss
  • attachment disorders
  • self harm
  • accessing childhood problems (inner child work)
  • conflict resolution (parts work)
  • helping symptoms of chronic pain/autoimmune disease
  • low self esteem
  • lack of confidence
  • personality disorders
  • depression 
  • anxiety
  • panic attacks
  • improving performance (sports, art, music)
  • fear of public speaking
  • phobias
  • addictions
  • OCD
  • coping with change/transitions


all practitioners and therapists are bound by confidentiality laws (UK-GDPR took effect on January 31, 2020 alongside the data protection act of 2018 and the PECR in the UK). your practitioner will not and can not share any of your details with anyone, even if you have people in common or know each other outside of therapy. the only time your practitioner will ever share any of your details would be in case of danger or emergency in order to protect you or another person. this will be explained to you in the confidentiality agreement before you start your sessions. if you're unsure, ask your practitioner.



"I wanted to thank you so much for all of your help during my EFT sessions, which I found so useful and comforting." 

"I enjoyed our sessions and loved your gentle caring manner, always making me feel I could open up even about hard to talk about situations." 

"I have been so much better lately, for a few reasons, but I believe that doing the EFT was a part of helping me to cope more effectively with life, and I really appreciate this."

"I had EFT sessions with Meg three times. It was always easy to book a session online. The tapping technique really helped me and I would highly recommend Meg at Pandora’s Box EFT"

"Meg is very professional at what she does. I felt in safe hands.  I liked the way she mirrored back what I was saying, so that she could use similar phrases when leading the technique. I found her validating and compassionate and this made me feel comfortable and cared for."





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